Showing posts with label #guardian angel #LionGate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #guardian angel #LionGate. Show all posts

Monday 7 October 2024

Be the Change, Stand for Peace

Working with the energy of Guardian Angel 39 Rehael, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how we approach history, especially when it comes to colonialism and the conflicts in the Middle East. There’s this delicate balance between respecting the past and not letting it define who we are or how we act in the present. This brings me to a concept I’ve found really valuable: filial submission—the idea of honouring what came before while still being responsible for creating our own path forward.

Now, more than ever, I believe we need to find ways to respect all sides and embrace peaceful action, especially when it feels like the world is pulling us toward division. History is complicated, but rewriting it to fit a specific agenda or narrative isn’t the answer. It’s one thing to acknowledge the wrongs of colonialism, for example, but another to only focus on one side of the story, erasing any contributions or complexity. That’s not how we learn, and it’s not how we heal.

When I think about demonstrations we see today, especially regarding the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict, I find myself reflecting on what real peace looks like. A recent example stands out to me. Israeli memorial events tend to be quiet, respectful, and they don’t interrupt public life. Yet, I’ve seen Palestinian protests turn into something that causes public disruption, with flags of terrorist organisations on display. And I ask myself, how does this lead to peace? How can we change things if we aren’t focused on peace at our core?

The truth is, if we want to be the change, we have to stand for peace in every sense. It means not provoking the public, not antagonising the police, and not escalating tensions with symbols that fuel hatred. Real peace comes from action, yes, but peaceful action—one that respects others, even when we disagree.

And that’s where filial submission comes in again. To me, it’s about recognising the weight of our history and our ancestors’ struggles, but it’s also about knowing when to evolve. Rehael’s energy teaches us this: hold onto what’s valuable from the past, but don’t let it drag you into repeating cycles of pain. We have the responsibility to act with integrity now, and that means choosing peace, even when it’s hard.

This lesson feels deeply personal to me. It’s made me reflect on how much of my own history I carry and how it shapes my perspective on the world. I have no desire to rewrite the past or seek revenge for the injustices my ancestors faced. For instance, my ancestors were forced to leave their homes in Asia Minor in the 1920s due to their Christian faith. I don’t harbor anger or resentment over it. Instead, I choose to learn from that experience, grow, and apply the lessons to the present.

So, how do we apply this on a personal level? How do we balance honouring the past with moving forward in peace? Here’s what has worked for me:

1. Respect History, Don’t Rewrite It: We all come from somewhere, with our own stories and legacies. It’s important to acknowledge the truth—whether it’s the pain of colonialism or the contributions that came from it. But rewriting history to suit a particular narrative won’t heal wounds. We can’t erase the painful parts or pretend only good things happened. Instead, we must face the past honestly and move forward.

2. Demonstrate Peacefully, With Integrity: If you believe in a cause, show it, but do it in a way that fosters understanding rather than conflict. I’ve learned that true change comes when we protest with compassion, not aggression. No matter how justified the anger may feel, waving flags tied to violence and provoking the authorities won’t bring us closer to peace.

3. Respect Others, Even When It’s Difficult: It’s not easy to respect those we disagree with, but it’s essential for real progress. Filial submission calls for humility—it’s about letting go of ego and pride, accepting that sometimes we’re not always right, and striving for a greater good.

4. Evolve, Don’t Get Stuck: We honour the past by learning from it, not by being bound by it. There’s a time to let go of old grudges, even if they feel justified, and a time to focus on building a future where peace can thrive. I’ve had to reflect on what I carry with me and how much of it serves me now. Sometimes, letting go is the most powerful act of all.

In the end, being the change and standing for peace means acting from a place of understanding. It means not letting history become a weapon we use against each other, but a teacher that guides us forward. It’s personal, it’s ongoing, and it’s something each of us can embody.

Let’s commit to creating a future built on respect, integrity, and peace. We’ve all got the power to be the change—so let’s stand for it together.

This is not about lecturing or pointing fingers; it’s about sharing what I’ve come to believe and how we can apply these lessons in our own lives. I hope this resonates with you, and maybe, it’ll spark some reflection on how we can all contribute to a more peaceful world.

Let’s be the change. Let’s stand for peace.

Tuesday 8 August 2023

Awakening to your Divine Light

Every year on and around the 8th day of the 8th month of the year (August 8th) there is a cosmic alignment called "the Lions Gate Portal or "the Lions Gateway". It occurs when the star Sirius, also known as the “Dog Star,” aligns with Earth and the Sun. This alignment is believed to bring heightened spiritual energy and transformational opportunities, particularly in the realms of consciousness and personal growth. Many people view this event as a time for self-reflection, intention-setting, and embracing new possibilities.

This ancient astrological spiritual gateway traces its origins back to ancient Egypt and has been revered for millennia as a sacred time to activate positive energy. The 8-8 Lions Gate Portal is distinguished by the influential pairing of 8-8, the Sun's position in Leo the Lion constellation, and the emergence of the star Sirius on the horizon. Sirius is linked to Jupiter's expansive qualities, carrying a dynamic force for achievement and action, offering a prime opportunity for conscious manifestation and co-creation with natural energy to invite blessings into your life. As Sirius ascends in the night sky, it aligns with Orion's Belt and the Pyramid of Giza, creating the illusion of its proximity to Earth. Just a bit of "cosmic perspective": Sirius is double the size of our Sun and 26x brighter!

This is why during the Lion's Gate Portal there is such a profound and powerful source of light available to you during this time

Now we are experiencing a cosmic event called the Lion Gate.  This auspicious celestial window and numerological portal activates the star intelligence. During this window, the brightest star in the night sky, Sirius, separates significantly from the Sun to come into a clear, bright, powerful beam of her own onto the Earth. This cosmic glow provides an open runway for manifesting energy more easily.

The Lions Gateway energy is about more fully awakening your Divine Light and embodying Divinity to manifest what you desire in your physical reality.

The Leo energy that we all experience during the Lion's Gate Portal (regardless of your personal zodiac sign) is associated with royalty, and so this alignment can be seen as awakening the royal codes of higher living which are available for all.

When is the Lion gate Portal?

While the Lion's Gate Portal is open from July 28 to August 12. August 8th is believed the most powerful day. This is because the number eight has numerological significance. In numerology, (the belief system that gives digits meaning), eight is a powerhouse number, representing luck, wealth, and good energy. When turned on its side, eight represents infinity, which symbolises an infinite flow of power and energy. With its two eights (8/8), the date is widely believed to be a powerful one for manifesting and creating change in your life.

 Guardian Angel for this Period from the Tree of Life

You can ask Guardian Angel 28 #Seheiah, to help get through the Lion Gate. Seheiah is the guardian Angel for the period August 7th till 12th. Call  #Seherial , by intoning   “ say-HAY-ee-YAH” 3 times (Emphasis on upper case word). Seheiah supports you in working with the Divine, so that you connect to your purpose and be the best version of yourself. Seheiah guides you by bringing to your attention what is life-affirming to yourself and those around you.  Listen to your heart. The heart will cause-correct when you need to and guide you to where you are supposed to be.

Listening to your heart means having the awareness that every action or thought you make has a consequence, that it either encourages goodwill, cooperation, grace or it encourages division, disharmony, tension. Think before you act, work from the heart and listen to the Divine light within and trust in Divine timing. Seheiah encourages you to do what you love and to connect to the Divine within.

Listening to your heart and ignoring the noise around you can help you focus on your true feelings, desires and goals. It allows you to make decisions that align with your authentic self, rather than being swayed by external noises  or distraction. This allows you to follow a more #life-affirming meaning life.

When you engage with what is not Life-affirming to you, even to fight against it for a noble cause, your vibration is lowered. Be a light for what you love, what you desire to affirm and increase. This is important for the changes we desire now. Focus on what you want. Ignore the negative stories, the noise, just listen to your heart , follow your path; stay on that path and do what your heart desires. This encourages peace of mind, hope and longevity. This also encourages world peace.