Showing posts with label #Yeiazel #listenwithlove #breakfree #CompassionOverJudgment #PatienceAndPeace peace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Yeiazel #listenwithlove #breakfree #CompassionOverJudgment #PatienceAndPeace peace. Show all posts

Tuesday 15 October 2024

Face Your Feelings to Heal

Last Thursday morning, I woke up feeling an unusual heaviness, not realising it was World Mental Health Day. The angel energy of the day was Yeiazel—the angel who listens and comforts from the heart. As I lay there, I was overwhelmed by a deep sense of loneliness. I reflected on how those who seem superficial often appear to thrive, effortlessly forming connections. It felt as though those of us who genuinely care, who try to do the right thing, are frequently overlooked or left behind.

My mind kept circling back to an event I attended earlier in the week. I noticed some relatives casually moving about the room, socialising with ease, acting important, yet barely acknowledging family members. They only spoke when directly approached, out of politeness, but there was no real connection. The sting of judgment and their indifferent energy weighed on me, especially as I found myself on the receiving end of it.
It’s hard to understand why this happens. I’ve never gone out of my way to hurt anyone. I try to be supportive, celebrating others’ successes sincerely. Yet, often the response I receive is cold, sometimes filled with resentment or jealousy. It’s baffling. Why do superficial people seem to have so many connections? Is it all an illusion? Perhaps there’s a lesson in this, something the angels are trying to help me see.

Later that morning, I attended a breakfast with like-minded women, seeking connection that goes beyond the surface. Their warmth and kindness struck me so deeply that I found myself in tears. I didn’t expect to cry, but I was grateful for their compassion. Still, the pain from Tuesday’s event lingered, and my soul felt heavy as I tried to process it all. It was as though I had been bottling up these emotions for far too long.

Keeping these feelings inside hasn’t served me well. It has led to self-doubt and unhealthy comparisons, especially when I think about the shallow nature of certain family members. But crying today, in a safe and supportive space, was cathartic. It reminded me that vulnerability isn’t a sign of weakness—it’s a true mark of strength. I’m grateful for the friendships I’ve built and the family members who show up with authenticity and care.

When we allow ourselves to cry, angels like Yeiazel come near, offering comfort and healing. They may not take away the pain, but they help us carry it, bringing clarity and peace. Last week, I felt that presence guiding me through the hurt, reminding me that it’s okay to release my emotions. In doing so, I’m rediscovering my strength.

Yeiazel’s gentle energy reassures me that in vulnerability, there is strength. In letting go of what no longer serves us—whether it’s resentment, self-doubt, or pain—we make space for healing and emotional peace.

The experience of shedding these heavy emotions has been a reminder that we are all on a journey. Some days, we feel the weight of the world, but by letting go of what burdens us, we move closer to a place of lightness and clarity. Last week on World Mental Health Day, I was reminded of the importance of releasing what no longer serves us. It’s a step toward healing, toward living with more intention, and finding peace within ourselves.