Showing posts with label #Kambalah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Kambalah. Show all posts

Saturday 20 April 2024

: Embracing Wisdom and Remembrance: Honoring Anzac Heroes and Divine Guidance in My Journey


As I pause to reflect on the profound significance of Anzac Day and the sacrifices made by our heroes, the solemn words "Lest We Forget" resonate deeply within my soul. In this blog, I invite you to join me on a journey of remembrance, as we explore how the wisdom of the 72 angels of the Kabbalah and the teachings of Christianity illuminate my path and guide me in honouring our heroes while embodying their virtues.

1. **Courage and Faith**: The courage displayed by our Anzac heroes speaks to the depths of human resilience and faith. Inspired by their bravery, I am reminded to trust in divine guidance and face life's challenges with unwavering courage and conviction, knowing that I walk in the footsteps of those who have gone before me.

 2. **Unity in Love**: The bonds of brotherhood forged on the battlefield echo the teachings of Jesus Christ, who implored us to love one another as He loved us. As I strive to embody love and compassion in my interactions, I honor the spirit of camaraderie that defined our heroes and foster a sense of unity within my community.

 3. **Service and Sacrifice**: The selfless service of our Anzac heroes serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of sacrificial love. Inspired by their example, I seek to serve others with humility and compassion, recognising that true greatness lies in giving of oneself for the betterment of others.

 4. **Resilience and Hope**: In the face of adversity, our heroes stood resolute, their spirits unbroken by the trials of war. Guided by their resilience and the hope offered by Jesus Christ, I draw strength from their example, knowing that even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of hope to light our way forward.

 5. **Gratitude and Remembrance**: As I express gratitude for the sacrifices of our Anzac heroes and remember their courage and valour, I am reminded of the ultimate sacrifice made by Jesus Christ on the cross. Through prayer, reflection, and acts of remembrance, I pay tribute to their enduring legacy, ensuring that their memory lives on in my heart and in the hearts of future generations.

 In my daily life, I integrate the timeless message of “Lest We Forget” by honoring the courage and sacrifice of our Anzac heroes. Embracing the guiding light of divine love, I strive to embody their virtues of faith, courage, and compassion. Drawing strength from the teachings of Christianity and the guidance of the 72 angels, I aim to live authentically and be the best version of myself, always remembering those who sacrificed for our freedom.

Wednesday 7 July 2021

How do you want to be remembered?


It is the middle of the year and you are wondering where did time go? You have come to a realisation, the past 6 months of 2021 have gone quickly and you are not on track meeting your goals.  Take time out. Now that we in Sydney are in lock down it is time to go within ourselves.  In our  daily lives  we all try to feel loved,  respected  and connected by  participating,  talking, acting with our loved ones , peers  and various circles .  We hope that our family, peers do not notice our shadows.  No matter what our circumstances are we will ultimately be known or remembered by our intent, and actions. How we live our talk, not by how we would like to known for. It is our actions that define us.

Now is a good opportunity to reflect on this. How do you want to be known or remembered? What effect do you want to create in hearts and minds of other? How do you want to contribute to the evolution of this planet conscious? How do you inspire compassion, love? How can you be of service to others? How can you bring joy into your life? When you are enthusiastic and love your life you are more willing to help others.

Why reflect on how we want to be known?

To help this planet to evolve to higher consciousness, we all have a part to play. Encourage people to have bigger dreams, explore and try new things. Do not belittle people: loved ones, peers, acquaintances. Otherwise this will lead to stagnation. Humans tend to give when there is joy and enthusiasm in their lives. Encourage this.


Using the guardian angel for the today (Jul 7 -11), reflect on what makes you happy. Are you doing what you love? What can you do to bring more joy, love into your life? If you love reading books make time to read a chapter or one page of a book least once a week. Incorporate things that you love in your daily life.  Reflect on how you can achieve your “Big Dreams”. Reflect on what you can change in your life to connect to your dream.   Create a plan for the next 6 months. Visualise and feel what would you like happening in your life in 6 months times. Remember your feelings from your meditation when you are down. 


Know that by shining your light you become an inspiration to others. Not so that they copy you so that that they too can be an aspiration and a light to others. Understand that honouring yourself is not being selfish, you are growing and making a difference to yourself, community and the world. As a result the community and the world grow with the expression of your own personal talents, power and presence that inspires others to create and contribute in the community and the world.


Friday 11 June 2021

Connect to Your Personal Angels

The One day workshop: Connect to Your Personal Angels
         Live with Joy and Intention

  Why Do it?

This workshop will help you get a better understanding of your purpose and yourself. Encourage you to live with joy by and intention.

Connecting with Angels is a powerful and great way to accelerate the inner growth of your soul. All you need to do is to invoke the angels and to ask for their guidance and assistance.

Why invoke the angels?

Firstly because of the "Law of Free Will" angels  can do nothing unless you ask.

Secondly our greatest fear is realising  our greatness and  being arrogant.  “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our biggest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frighten us.” (Marianne Williamson).  Working with angels will help us overcome that fear. They will help you see your greatness, help you connect to your Divine light and helps you manifest your greatness with love. “Playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.  As we are liberated from our own fear, Our presence automatically liberates others”. (Marianne Williamson). As we accept and embrace our greatness we encourage hope, cooperation, love and compassion, to ourselves, family, community and the world.

The Angels what do they do?

The angels of the Kambalah Tree of Life, are the messengers of the Divine whom we can ask for assistance to help us connect to our Divine gifts. They are also living Beings of Light and each angel has the attributes of the Divine. Their purpose is to support us in the journey towards ourselves and connect us with the Light we all carry within us. They also help us realise that we have the attributes of the Divine within us and we are all interconnected and we are one.  The angels can assist us in making a  positive difference in our communities and the world.

           The  workshop                                                 

The workshop will focus on the attributes of your personal angels of the Kambalah Tree of life. 

         The Purpose of the workshop

The purpose of this workshop is to connect you with your personal angels.  Look at how the angels interface and work together to support you so that you can manifest the Light within you. How you can have a better relationship with the angels and connect to your Divine aspect within yourself. To know thyself better.

Why is it important to know yourself better?

Knowing yourself better allows you to be independent of the opinions of others. When you know what works for you - what is good for you, and what is not , understand your patterns, it does not matter what others might think and advise. By knowing who you are and what you stand for in life, can help to give you a strong sense of self-confidence, and knowing that your life matters and you have a mission. In the process you will overcome your fear of your own greatness, because you have connected to your Divine Light.

Obtaining tickets for the workshop

If you interested in attending the workshop please click below 

or send me an email: