Sunday, 21 October 2018

I am unique, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul

The past 3 days I have noticed how my intention and world events synchronise together to give me a powerful message from the universe that I am unique, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.  The journey of this awareness started 30 days ago after I returned from the Aura-Soma level 2 Course with Mike Booth at Byron Bay. As the result of the course I decided instead of rushing out and saying a quick prayer of gratitude and asking for  protection,  that I would start a daily ritual so that I was more mindful and stop myself from feeling scattered. Minimal time would be 5 minutes to maximum of about 30 minutes, depending how rush I felt. I decided I would start the day with a ritual that consisted of gratitude, protection, intention, centreing myself and prayer. Before I started the ritual I made it a point to say either in my head or aloud what I am grateful for at that time. Then do my ritual of protection using an Aura-Soma coloured pomander.


While doing the ritual of putting on the coloured pomander around me, I  would say what my intention is for the day, and hand over issues that are bothering me to God. The function of the pomander is to protect my aura. During the ritual I  thank the pomander for its gift and protection it offered to me. I offered the gifts of the pomander to the planet earth and then imagined those gifts coming through my crown chakra like petals flowing through my body, around my aura and then I finish the ritual by sending the gift of the pomander to centre of the earth. This ritual creates a delicate energy matrix of protection around me. It allows positive energies to enter my field and protects me from energies  that I do not want.  I was working with the deep magenta pomander. The focus of this pomander is to find pleasure in the simple mundane things of everyday life. After the ritual I centre myself  to  connect to my incarnational star and ask that during the day that I will be guided to go where I need to be. Then my day begins and I carry on as usual. Life had its ups and downs.  I just  went with the flow.  I noticed  that I have slowed down and that I was enjoying doing nothing.


Noticing that I was enjoying being lazy, I started worrying that  it will be my norm. I did not want this to happen, so I started questioning myself why I was enjoying doing nothing. While I was contemplating why my laziness, I decided to do a spring clean on my thoughts and emotions. Go through my chakras and take note what negative thoughts or emotions were re-occurring during 21 days of my spring clean of emotions.

What kept coming up were my fears and my feeling of aloneness and lack of support from my tribe.  These issues I am working on. What I want to highlight my last 3 days of the detox. How events  and my intention of  being the best person I can be worked together  for the universe to  give me a powerful message that I am strong and powerful and  that the universe is working with me to  achieve my goals.  During the 21 days of detox  I had my doubts. My fears were coming up and I was comparing myself.

The last 3 days while working with my crown chakra, I felt connected with spirit and I did not feel alone. I noticed that my guardian angels were working with me. It was highlighted on Friday when I decided to take my car to Parramatta to be serviced.

I chose to take my car to Parramatta to be service station rather than get the dealer to collect my car from home and bring it back home after the service. I wanted to go to see a movie, using an event gold pass that my goddaughter gave me as gift for Christmas. I did go to the movies and enjoyed the movie. I still had some free time before I had to collect the car.

I decided to leave Westfield’s Shopping Centre and walk to Parramatta, St Johns Park and Centenary Place. I noticed tents and I was curious to see what was happening at those tents. It was outside Parramatta Centenary Place and I noticed officials, a high presence of  security. I noticed empty seats, and  a military band performing. Then I noticed a flag over the entrance of the town hall and the programme on the chair. It was a programme for the “INVICTUS GAMES Lightning Bolt II Convoy Flag Raising Ceremony”.  I was surprised that there was a flag raising ceremony for the INVICTUS GAMES because I thought it was going to happen on Saturday at the Opera House. I got curious and decided to stay and listen to the speeches. The speeches were interesting and inspiring. What I found meaningful to me was the explanation of the flag. Why the name ‘INVICTUS GAME’ and why 3 letters were highlighted in gold. ‘I AM’.  I could see the flag on the hall doorway, I saw the Invictus game written on the flag but I could not see clearly what the 3 letters were.   The letters were “I AM”. 

I connected to the two words “I AM” because a few years ago I tried to find out the true meaning of the two words “I AM” via reading the Old Testament. The “I AM” is also connected with the 72 Angels and Kabbalah and I was going to do a workshop webinar on Saturday 72 Angels and the Kabbalah with Terah Cox.  So “I AM” seem to be shouting at me.

The 3 letters “I AM” were highlighted  on the flag because of the poem written by William Ernst Henley. The intention of the poem was to show that adversity can be overcome no matter what our circumstances are. Invictus in Latin means unconquerable. No matter what, we are unconquerable. The poem finishes with the following words ‘I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul’.  It finishes with 2 magic words I AM.  The words on  the flag highlight what we can overcome once we start to believe in ourselves.  I know the INVITUS games is more than my personal perception of the I Am, but I believe if I connect what the flag represent and what I see it is interconnected .     

It is about making a positive difference. It is about connecting to our soul purpose and by doing that, we change our immediate environment, we manifest our heart desire. The INVICTUS GAMES prospective is universal.  It encourages optimism, service to family, friends and community. So if we all connect to the 2 magic words “I am....” we can inspire ourselves to the best person we can be and make a positive difference. The 2 words connect us to the God within us. They are the two most powerful words in the universe.

Be mindful of whatever you put behind these words for they have so much power.  I AM translates to GOD which translates to OM. These words are interchangeable and all have the same meaning. We are all a part of God and since God is the ultimate creator we have the power to create in our lives. So on Friday the universe was conspiring to put events together to bring to my attention, that I am not alone, I am connected and that there is a purpose in my life. We are the creators of our life. That we the whole human race are connected and we are one. This was my first day in the purple energy.

What I have come to realise while doing the emotional spring clean detox and starting my days with gratitude and intention, even when things are not perfect that we are being guided and watch. All is needed is awareness, belief and trust. We are all connected and we are one.  Once I integrate this within myself I will conquered my fears and create the life I want. This is the message of the INVICTUS GAMES we can overcome anything and be the best,  create what we want, no matter what is happening in our lives. When we watch the INVICTUS GAMES let us be inspired by  the competitors' courage, service, determination, comradeship  to change something in our lives and promote the spirit of the INVICTUS GAMES. It encourages optimism and belief in oneself and the world.

Sunday, 15 July 2018

Awareness Via a Coloured Bottle

Bottle 61
Name of Bottle:
Sanat Kumara & Lady Venus Kumara
 Pale Pink/Pale Yellow
Shake together:  Pale Coral

Bottle 61 (The actual colour of the bottle)
    Compassion:  Love knows no Judgement (3)

In my last blog ( ), I wrote about how colour can influence your day. In this blog I will describe, how an equilibrium coloured bottle can bring greater awareness on issues that I was ignoring or found too hard to deal with.

My Personal Observation of Bottle 61.
For the past 6 weeks I have been working with an Aura Soma Equilibrium Bottle 61. I chose the bottle because of the colour. It was almost clear pink, going towards a cloudy white colour, and the bottom pale yellow.  When shaken it became cloudy.  The bottle did not have the actual colour of bottle 61. It had changed. The pink was fading. The bottle was calling me to use it. Why?   For the past year I have been drawn to bottles that have the pink fading into white. My question is why at the moment am I drawn to bottles that do not have the actual pink but are fading? I also noticed as I use it, the yellow part (at the bottom of the bottle) is disappearing and the white section lingers on. It seems like my body wants to absolve itself of yellow.

The Bottle I am working with.


My Journey with Bottle 61.

When I chose bottle 61 I had no idea what issues I would be working on. I was also surprised I chose that bottle.  I chose a pale coloured bottle. I usually choose bright colours like Magenta, blue and bright pinks. I do not pick anything with yellow. This bottle just beckoned me.  I picked it and left it on my dressing table for a week and then I started using it.  I used it mainly on my face, as a facial cream and massaged it on the back of my neck. Sometimes I would massage the oil around my chest.  I would stare at the bottle and wondered what it was trying to teach me.  I created my own affirmation. I either said it out loud or thought about it as I massaged the oil onto my body. “I let go of the past and live in the present moment. All is well in my world”.

No aha moments came to me for a few weeks. I took things in my stride.  I did my chores. Defined my goals and connected with some friends. But I was thinking too much, sometimes judging myself for not achieving my goals.

Before I started using my bottle, I was slowly disconnecting myself from friends. I was doing too much, always busy and no spare time to connect with any one. I was not in the mood to talk to anyone as I had not finished my tasks.  I was sleeping in. Finding the day went fast and feeling I had not achieved anything.

As I started using the bottle, thinking about it now, I started reconnecting with people.  I was noticing my thought patterns and saw that I was slowly becoming reclusive. I decided to start reconnecting with friends and not worry too much if I was not achieving anything. I started phoning friends, organising time out for coffee or lunch. I was lucky to have friends with whom I could talk and who could help me get out of my negative moods. 

One day I was helping a friend called Jane, to resolve an issue. I realised we had some similar issues and these stopped us from being the best person we can be at the present time. We were holding on to memories of our past and allowing those memories to determine our present moment. We were judging our parents for playing psychological games to control us. I realised later, after I had talked with Jane, that she was doing the same thing as her parents. I started thinking if that was the situation with Jane, and then something similar might be happening with me.

That thought brought to my attention my own negative thoughts. I became aware of my unlovable thoughts towards myself. I noticed that I was hard on myself for not achieving my goals and just taking things easy.  I saw that I was making decisions based on fear and not trusting. I noticed that I was blaming my father for all my current difficulties and feeling a lot of guilt, because I was not perfect. All pink issues. I was not enjoying life; (yellow issues).  I was not giving myself permission to embrace life with joy because of events that happened in the past related to my father; (yellow). I allowed myself to become invisible and detached from the world; (white issues). And I blamed my father.

I started to look through the eyes of compassion and realised I was copying my father. Dad’s decision making process had been based on fear and I was copying him. My dad was afraid of being alone and he did things and manipulated situations so that he was not alone. My big fear is that I will be alone.  That fear stops me from taking chances and moving out of my safety zone. I get angry with myself when I realise I make decisions based on fear. Getting angry with myself stops me from loving myself and accepting myself the way I am. I have come to realise the anger I direct towards myself, I also direct to my father. All pink issues.

Seeing it through the eyes of compassion, I realised some of the tricks he played on me, he did it for two reasons; to protect me from harm and also to protect himself. I am realising that my father, made the best decisions on what he knew. Things could have been worse. He might have had a strange way of doing it but he did his best to keep me safe. And he was trying to protect himself from being hurt by losing those he loved.

I remembered the stories he told about his child hood. He had lots of happy memories but he also had some sad memories. He lost his father when he was a baby and when he was eight years old he lived in an orphanage until he turned 16. The orphanage was nice. The teachers were nice, but he missed being in his home with his mother.  He felt abandoned. I guess while he was at the orphanage he made a decision that when he grew up he would never feel alone and abandoned. My father had abandonment issues to deal with from his childhood. When my mother passed away he was traumatised by that. He did not want to feel abandoned again so he used tactics to control the people around him. I chose not to rebel but to do what I was told.  I chose to play it safe (yellow issues). I was angry with myself for doing that (pink issues). I was not compassionate to myself, I was judging myself.

While using the bottle I realised that to be able to forgive and love others, I need to forgive and love myself.  The pink fading into white was a message to me that I was looking outside to find clarity rather than inside me. I was ignoring the feeling that I did not love myself.  I was listening to my head not my heart. I was hearing myself saying, and believing: “blame someone else for my wrongs”, “I wish I was perfect”, “I am not good enough”, “good things happen to others”. I was disconnecting from my inner self, doing too much and detaching myself from people who were important to me. I needed to slow down and connect to myself.

I started to slow down and quiet my mind and had the following realisation. Both my father and I are afraid of being alone. Understanding that, I was able to accept my emotions of anger and resentment against my father. I acknowledge it and forgave myself. By doing that, I am able to forgive my father.

I am going through a process of accepting where I am.  Learning the lessons of the past and letting go of the past. I realise that difficulties come into one’s life so that one can grow. Life is not smooth sailing for the majority of people. What matters is how one handles their difficulties. I am accepting and trusting that all that has happened and will happen is for my greater good. Trusting that allows me to accept myself the way I am and contribute positively in the community. I see myself more connected with general community, because I realise the majority of us have similar problems. We are all interconnected just like corals in the sea. We are not alone, when we connect with community – via family, friends, volunteering or helping a stranger in trouble.


1: Booth M, McKnight C, The Aura-Soma Sourcebook. Colour Therapy for the South. Healing Arts Press Rochester, Vermont. 2006.

2: Dalichow I  Booth M, Aura-Soma Healing through Color, Plant, and Crystal Energy.  Translated from the German Language by Joan M. Burnham. Hay House USA, 2004.

3: McArtney A, Colour Codices Throughout Time. Alysea McArtney, 2007.


Tuesday, 19 June 2018

How Colour Play Out Their Energy.

We are  energetic beings. One of our most important sources of energy lies within the spectrum of colours derived from light. It is so important that life on earth is highly dependent on the electromagnetic spectrum and wavelengths of colours, with each wavelength carrying a different frequency with its own unique energy. Our biochemical system, and thus our overall well-being, is strongly influenced by these energies. We are drawn to certain colours to help us get through the day.

Colour influences our emotions. It can affect our moods and how we see ourselves and the world around us in different ways. What’s more, colours not only shift the light in which you see yourself, they have the power to change how others see you too. For example, people may subconsciously perceive, and therefore interact, with you differently based on the energy of what colour(s) you are wearing. Colour affects individuals in many ways and if used properly it can help individuals improve their well-being.

You are the colours you choose (1). This is a bold statement, because it implies that a colour that appeals to you affects your inner being. Think about it. Look at the children. When on a certain day, they simply must wear the hot pink sweater that clashed with red paisley pants? Mother’s pleas for reason fall on deaf ears. How many silly arguments have been caused by the child’s insistence colour and mother determination to ignore the child’s demands? There must be a reason behind this phenomenon – that is, children creating such conflicts just for the sake of colours? The colour people surrounds themselves can tell a lot about the person.

Each colour in the colour spectrum created by light is associated with different areas of the body, and each has different spiritual, emotional, and physical impacts on us. Becoming aware of how each one affects us empowers us to make conscious changes in various areas of our lives by choosing to surround ourselves with certain colours, or even by visualizing certain colours using techniques such as colour meditation.

Journaling the colour you are wearing during the day is another way of perceiving how colour affects you energetically. Today I am going to write about the energy of  the colours I worn today.
This morning I woke up with intention of wearing basically magenta and black, but instead I decided to wear blue with a little magenta. I was catching up with friends whom I had not seen for a while.  I did not know how the day  would progress and I was looking forward to the catch up. When I chose the clothes this morning, it was about being comfortable  and warm. I was not thinking about anything, I made up my mind the night before what I was going to wear but when I got up in the morning  I changed my mind. The main colour theme for today was dark blue and magenta.  Mine cardigan was a mixture of dark blue and white(see attached picture). I carried my red bag. Today was a cold and wet day and  I also carried a black umbrella. When I left home in the morning I felt comfortable and warm.

Blue is associated with Peace and Communication (3). Magenta is associated in encouraging a person to focus. It can strengthens ones intuition and psychic ability. It can assist us to rise above the everyday dramas of our daily life to experience a greater level of awareness and knowledge. Magenta is uplifting to our spirits during times of unhappiness, anger or frustration. It promotes compassion, kindness and cooperation and encourages a sense of self-respect and content.  It is the colour of the eighth chakra, which is located outside and above our body (3). I also carried a red bag. Red is my favorite colour and I call it my happy colour. Red is associated with energy and the material side to life (3). For me, when I think of red, I regard it as my happy colour. I associate red with happy memories and joyous occasions.


How did these colour play out their energy today?

The blue colour inspired me to write this blog. I felt comfortable talking to my friends about what I was doing. I told them I wanted to blog regularly but was finding it difficult to write on topics... They encourage me to write on how the colour I wear during the day influence the events of my day. So I am writing this. And I will be writing more blogs in the future on how colour affects my day.

The main colour theme for the day was blue. Communication was the main theme.  I was wondering on how can I communicate better the positive affect of colour in a person's life? How do I promote this fun creative tool so that others can use it? Jeny came up with the idea of why not write about how colour affects my day. I thought it was a great idea. Catching up with Lee and Jeny and discussing different things, laughing and not taking things so seriously I was able to find peace within me in accepting where I am today; feeling safe to talk about my own limitations. The Magenta help me connect to trust and overcome my every day dramas and  self doubt that I am not good enough. I am grateful for Lee and Jeny, for listening and encouraging. The magenta encourages me to find pleasure and gratitude to the simple things in life, such as having lunch with friends. It helped me  feel at peace, connected with everything. My red bag just makes me feel happy. It helped brighten mine day. This is how colour played out their energy on me today.

1: Booth M, McKnight C, The Aura-Soma Sourcebook. Colour Therapy for the South. Healing Arts Press Rochester, Vermont. 2006.

2: Chiazzari S, The Complete Book of Colour. Using colour for lifestyle, health, and well-being, 1998, Element Books Limited, Ringwood, Victoria.

3: Dalichow I and Booth M, Aura-Soma. Healing Through Color, Plant, Crystal Energy. ,Hay House  USA. 2004



Friday, 20 April 2018

Lemon Myrtle

Lemon Myrtle has come to my attention recently and I love using. It has a wonderful citrus-lemon scent. When I sniff it cheers me up.  It comes in many forms and can be taken in a variety of different ways so you are not limited to a boring routine. It can be used in cooking to spice up a recipe, taken as a tea or applied topically in the form of essential oils. Its rich lemon aroma is both pleasant and soothing. Lemon myrtle is used to treat a diversity of ailments from throat disorders to gastric problems, and it is sold in many health and supplement stores.

I put lemon myrtle herbs in water and I also make it a tea. In the summer loved it as Iced Tea. Now that the weather is cooling, I drink it as a tea, and it soothes and helps me feel at peace. Lemon myrtle makes a great antioxidant herbal tea.

The lemon myrtle is a tree that grows naturally in the Australian coastal regions like Queensland and New South Wales. The tree can reach heights of 60 feet or more, though its average height is approximately half of that. The tree is now grown in other parts of the word, including in South Africa and the southern sections of the United States and Europe. While the tree’s flowers and fruits can both be eaten, it is the leaves that have gained a reputation for having the most uses and health benefits.

Despite its citrus scent and flavour, lemon myrtle is not acidic, giving it a wide range of options when used to enhance or complement a meal. It is sold in the form of herbal tea, essential oil, powder or spice. The leaves can be ground or sold individually.

Lemon myrtle has a reputation as a powerful antiseptic and anti-virus agent that can destroy disease-carrying microorganisms. It has been used to treat allergies, colds, sore throats, gastric disturbances and infections.

Lemon myrtle promotes a healthy immune system and can be applied topically to treat problems like warts, cold sores and acne. It is a highly potent antioxidant that can help fight diseases such as cancer. It is high in minerals like calcium, zinc and magnesium, and it has a healthy helping of vitamins A and E.

To sum up lemon myrtle is a fragrant antioxidant herbal supplement that can be used in different ways every day to intensify food flavours, enhance your personal care routine and promote better overall health.

Thursday, 12 April 2018

Colour Therapy and Its Benefits

Colour is powerful, whether we are eating it, wearing it or looking at it!

Colour is a living energy whose power affects us on all levels. We are all beings of light, therefore light is essential for our well-being. Light is colour and colour is energy and not only is it everywhere but all around you.

It can be used to bring balance and harmony within the psyche and the body, it influences our moods, and it affects our homes, our workplace, our schools, our hospitals, and our very existence. No matter what our focus, colour is a part of it.

When we study the origins of art, science and healing, we can see the influence colour has played as far back as ancient times, the influence was strongly felt in ancient civilisation, but slowly disappeared and was lacking for many centuries.

As you become more aware of colour, you can choose colours effectively in your daily life (in your clothes, gardens, environment and your car) to keep you balance. Colour can play an important role in your personal growth. The colour system Aura Soma is a tool you can use to assist with your personal growth.

It is also known that certain colours can affect certain diseases, build new tissues, burn out (cellular) corruption, cure certain nervous troubles and eradicate certain nervous tendencies. We see this in our hospitals where we use blue light on newborn babies with jaundice. We also know that some prisons use pink rooms to calm the more violent criminal as this colour depletes energy and many police stations use blue rooms for their interrogations, as the suspect is more apt to tell the truth in a blue room.

By becoming aware of the power of colour and its effects on us, we can learn to make positive changes in our lives.

The primary colours of red, blue and yellow, from which all colours of the spectrum are formed, are reflected in plants, trees, flowers, rocks and crystals.

Each colour serves a unique purpose in our lives. Purple calms the consciousness and allow us to get in touch with our deeper thoughts. Blue is the colour of peace and communication. This is why some hospitals have painted their walls blue. It was found that it does aid to the healing process.  Green is also for peace, but more importantly for the balance of the heart.  Yellow is the colour of the digestive juices, as well as the colour of the intellect. Orange is a warmer colour used to help restore and balance ourselves; it is associated with reproductive system. Lastly red is the closest to the ground for us; it represents our gross energy or physical movements.

No matter how we use colour in our lives to express ourselves – be it thru clothing, furnishing, flowers, crystals or oils, eating - the colours we choose will have positive and negative qualities.  Understanding the power behind colour simply allow us to make better choices, to add the quality of colour to our daily life that will help us achieve what we want to project.

Colour also has an important place in food; both to please the eye and stimulate digestive juices. It also can be used to bring about an improvement in our health.

As a healing tool, colour is used by colour practitioners who work with coloured lights, healers work with crystals and colour on the chakra system to rebalance the body’s energies. Aroma therapist will select and use the essential oils they feel are most appropriate and massage them into the body. However Aura-Soma practitioners ask the client to select from the whole range of coloured ‘Balance’ oils to bring the body, mind, and spirit back to a state of harmony.
Colour therapy is an enjoyable, low-risk form of complementary and alternative medicine. Its benefits are sometimes remarkably obvious: we feel calmed by our favourite cool colours and stimulated by bright, warm hues. The colours you surround yourself with will affect you deeply. Applying the carefully considered principles and psychology of Colour Therapy to your home or can benefit you and your loved ones in the long-term.