Tuesday, 19 June 2018

How Colour Play Out Their Energy.

We are  energetic beings. One of our most important sources of energy lies within the spectrum of colours derived from light. It is so important that life on earth is highly dependent on the electromagnetic spectrum and wavelengths of colours, with each wavelength carrying a different frequency with its own unique energy. Our biochemical system, and thus our overall well-being, is strongly influenced by these energies. We are drawn to certain colours to help us get through the day.

Colour influences our emotions. It can affect our moods and how we see ourselves and the world around us in different ways. What’s more, colours not only shift the light in which you see yourself, they have the power to change how others see you too. For example, people may subconsciously perceive, and therefore interact, with you differently based on the energy of what colour(s) you are wearing. Colour affects individuals in many ways and if used properly it can help individuals improve their well-being.

You are the colours you choose (1). This is a bold statement, because it implies that a colour that appeals to you affects your inner being. Think about it. Look at the children. When on a certain day, they simply must wear the hot pink sweater that clashed with red paisley pants? Mother’s pleas for reason fall on deaf ears. How many silly arguments have been caused by the child’s insistence colour and mother determination to ignore the child’s demands? There must be a reason behind this phenomenon – that is, children creating such conflicts just for the sake of colours? The colour people surrounds themselves can tell a lot about the person.

Each colour in the colour spectrum created by light is associated with different areas of the body, and each has different spiritual, emotional, and physical impacts on us. Becoming aware of how each one affects us empowers us to make conscious changes in various areas of our lives by choosing to surround ourselves with certain colours, or even by visualizing certain colours using techniques such as colour meditation.

Journaling the colour you are wearing during the day is another way of perceiving how colour affects you energetically. Today I am going to write about the energy of  the colours I worn today.
This morning I woke up with intention of wearing basically magenta and black, but instead I decided to wear blue with a little magenta. I was catching up with friends whom I had not seen for a while.  I did not know how the day  would progress and I was looking forward to the catch up. When I chose the clothes this morning, it was about being comfortable  and warm. I was not thinking about anything, I made up my mind the night before what I was going to wear but when I got up in the morning  I changed my mind. The main colour theme for today was dark blue and magenta.  Mine cardigan was a mixture of dark blue and white(see attached picture). I carried my red bag. Today was a cold and wet day and  I also carried a black umbrella. When I left home in the morning I felt comfortable and warm.

Blue is associated with Peace and Communication (3). Magenta is associated in encouraging a person to focus. It can strengthens ones intuition and psychic ability. It can assist us to rise above the everyday dramas of our daily life to experience a greater level of awareness and knowledge. Magenta is uplifting to our spirits during times of unhappiness, anger or frustration. It promotes compassion, kindness and cooperation and encourages a sense of self-respect and content.  It is the colour of the eighth chakra, which is located outside and above our body (3). I also carried a red bag. Red is my favorite colour and I call it my happy colour. Red is associated with energy and the material side to life (3). For me, when I think of red, I regard it as my happy colour. I associate red with happy memories and joyous occasions.


How did these colour play out their energy today?

The blue colour inspired me to write this blog. I felt comfortable talking to my friends about what I was doing. I told them I wanted to blog regularly but was finding it difficult to write on topics... They encourage me to write on how the colour I wear during the day influence the events of my day. So I am writing this. And I will be writing more blogs in the future on how colour affects my day.

The main colour theme for the day was blue. Communication was the main theme.  I was wondering on how can I communicate better the positive affect of colour in a person's life? How do I promote this fun creative tool so that others can use it? Jeny came up with the idea of why not write about how colour affects my day. I thought it was a great idea. Catching up with Lee and Jeny and discussing different things, laughing and not taking things so seriously I was able to find peace within me in accepting where I am today; feeling safe to talk about my own limitations. The Magenta help me connect to trust and overcome my every day dramas and  self doubt that I am not good enough. I am grateful for Lee and Jeny, for listening and encouraging. The magenta encourages me to find pleasure and gratitude to the simple things in life, such as having lunch with friends. It helped me  feel at peace, connected with everything. My red bag just makes me feel happy. It helped brighten mine day. This is how colour played out their energy on me today.

1: Booth M, McKnight C, The Aura-Soma Sourcebook. Colour Therapy for the South. Healing Arts Press Rochester, Vermont. 2006.

2: Chiazzari S, The Complete Book of Colour. Using colour for lifestyle, health, and well-being, 1998, Element Books Limited, Ringwood, Victoria.

3: Dalichow I and Booth M, Aura-Soma. Healing Through Color, Plant, Crystal Energy. ,Hay House  USA. 2004